With the award you have a list of obligations which is as follows:
1. Only 5 people allowed
2. 4 have to be dedicated followers of your blog.
3. One has to be new or recently new to your blog and live in another part of the World
4. You must link back to whoever gave you the award
I know I am suppose to give this award to some wonderful ladies but I just cant pick out a few so if you are a dedicated follower-thanks so much for your support and dedication. And if you are new to my blog "WELCOME" and please come back!
I was also tagged by one of my SBS ladies...Jennifer-Glitter in my hair.
This is the 7 random facts tag. The rules are simple . . . you reveal 7 facts (random, funny, weird, etc. facts) about yourself and then tag 7 other people (with links to their blogs) & post a note on their blog that they've been tagged!
1. I lived in the same house from birth to when I moved out at 17. My parents actually lived there for almost 50 years before the area was developed and they moved.
2. I am the only one in my family that doesn't wear glasses.
3. I can trace my dads side of the family back to the Mayflower.
4. I cant take naps. I want to but I cant get my mind to stop long enough for me to nap!
5. I have never drank coffee.
6. One of my favorite movies is the Wizard of Oz.
7. I am a chocoholic.
If you are still reading...thanks for stick thru all those exciting facts about me!
1 comment:
great facts Richelle!
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